vt, v-recip.
Def.: egpeg-il-ileey [egpeg-il-ile͡ey]; egpekeg-ila-ila
MS: egpeg-il-ileey; egpekeg-ila-ila
If one person meets another person, they talk to each other for the first time.
My best friend and I met when we were 12 years old.
Ka telek ne alukuy ku nekeg-ila-ila key te dusi anyus key pad.
I met many new friends when I visited the other town.
vt, v-recip.
Def.: egpekegsinug-ung; egpekegkita; egpasinug-ungey; egpakiteey
MS: egpekegsinug-ung; egpekegkita; egpasinug-ungey; egpakiteey
If people who already know each other meet, they are in the same place at the same time. Maybe they planned it, or maybe not.
My sister and I met at the basketball court after school.
Nekegsinug-ung key te atebey ku diyè te baskitbulan pegke-impus te klasi.
I met my mother at the bus terminal when she came to Davao.
vi, v-recip.
Def.: egpalamlambahey; egliblibulung
MS: egpalamlambahey; egliblibulung
If a group of people meet, they spend time together.
The committee meets once a month.
Ka me kumitiba egpalamlambahey kasabeka te senge bulan.
vt, v-recip.
Def.: egpakasinug-ung; egpekegsinug-ung; egpakasungkul; egpekegsungkul; egpakarengkek; egpekegdengkek; egpakabundul; egpekegbundul; egpakabahung; egpekegbahung; egpakaragket; egpekegdagket; egpekegdeeg
MS: egpekegsinug-ung; egpekegsungkul; egpekegdengkek; egpekegbundul; egpekegbahung; egpekegdagket; egpekegdeeg; egpakasinug-ung; egpakasungkul; egpakarengkek; egpakabundul; egpakabahung; egpakaragket
If a moving thing meets another thing, or the two things meet, they touch each other.
The cup broke when it met the ground.
Napesè ka ubab te nakareeg te tanè.
vt, v-recip.
Def.: egpakalambag; egpekeglambag; egpakasumpul; egpekegsumpul; egpakatupù; egpekegtupù; egpakatemu; egpekegtemu
MS: egpekeglambag; egpekegsumpul; egpekegtupù; egpekegtemu; egpakalambag; egpakasumpul; egpakatupù; egpakatemu
If a non-moving thing meets another non-moving thing, they are joined together (e.g. two roads).
The road to my village meets the highway soon after the river.
Ka kelesadda peendiyè te bariyu ku egpekeglambag ded te dakel ne kelesadda ke diyad layun te dakel ne weyig.
Def.: egsaharal; egsalerep
MS: egsaharal; egsalerep
If you meet something such as a problem, you experience that thing.
We met a lot of problems during our trip.
Migsalerep key te dakel ne prublima te hipanew ney.
Def.: eggimu ke nekey ka keilangan ne eggimuwen
If you meet a requirement, you do what that requirement says you need to do.
If you are not at school, you don't meet the requirements for getting a student price.
Ke warè ka mig-iskuyla, kenè nu egkeyimu ka me keilangan eyew te pegkuwa te dasag te istudyanti.
He didn't pass his project, because he didn't meet the standard.
There was some money, but not enough to meet our needs.
Def.: egpakasuhat (te igkeupii wey ke kenè igkeupii ne eggeramen)
MS: egpakasuhat
If something meets with a particular feeling or reaction from people, that is how people feel about it or react towards it.
Her song met with cheers from the crowd.
Irreg. met, met.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0201-0225
Status: ready
Last updated: 27/Sep/2012