Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-umew wey ke egsulat eyew te pegpakiglalag
MS: eg-umew; egsulat
If you contact someone, you call them or write to them because you want to communicate with them.
My old schoolfriend contacted me when she came to my town.
Ka daan ne alukuy ku te peg-iskuyla ku mig-umew keddì te nekeuma sikandin te lunsud ku.

Def.: kanengnengan; kasayuran
MS: kanengnengan; kasayuran
the fact that you meet or communicate with someone.
Unfortunately I've lost contact with most of my old schoolfriends.
Te warè ku nataheyi ne warad e kanengnengan ku te me alukuy ku dengan te peg-iskuyla ku.
Nurses come into contact with many different kinds of people.

Def.: pegpekegdagket te daruwan kasangkapan
MS: pegpekegdagket
the fact that one thing is touching another thing.
Bread becomes dry when it is in contact with the air.

Def.: etew ne natahaan [nataha͡an] ne egpakabulig
MS: etew ne natahaan ne egpakabulig
a person you know who is useful to know (e.g., because they have information, or can help you somehow).
He has a contact in that Barangay, so it will not be difficult to visit.
Due etew ne natahaan din ne egpakabulig diyè te Barangay, sika ka kenè ne malised ka peggendiyè.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012