Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: kamalehetan
MS: kamalehetan
something that is really true or that really happened.
It is a scientific fact that the planets move around the sun.
Sayantipiku ne kamalehetan ne ka me planita egmantileng ka eg-alingkus te aldew.
That movie is based on fact.

Def.: senge baad te kanengnengan te kamalehetan
a piece of information about something.
Our teacher taught us lots of interesting facts about monkeys.
Ka talagpanulù ney migpanulù te masalig ne makabebagget ne kamalehetan meyitenged te ubal.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0176-0200

in fact
Def.: te pegkamalehet
MS: pegkamalehet, te
You use in fact when you give more details about something.
I don't like gabi tops. In fact, I don't like any vegetables.
Kena a egkeupian te tubed. Te pegkamalehet, kena a egkeupian te minsan nekey ne gulay.
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012