Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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det, pron.
Def.: kasuluhan; karakelan
MS: kasuluhan; karakelan
You use most to talk about a large part of a group or thing (but not all of it).
Most people here can swim.
Kasuluhan te me etew kayi egkateu ne eglumbuk.
We ate most of the rice, but there is still a little.
Nakeen ney e ka karakelan te behas ney, piru duen pad ubag deisek.
det, pron.

Def.: kinarakelan; pinakarakel
MS: kinarakelan; pinakarakel
You use the most when you compare numbers or amounts, to talk about the largest number or amount.
He is carrying the most rice because he is stronger than all his friends.
Sikandin ka migtiang te kinarakelan ne behas su man-manekal sikandin te langun ne me alukuy rin.

Def.: kina- (meyitenged te matikang se pegkaklasi); pinaka-
MS: kina-; pinaka-
You use the most when you compare and describe things, to talk about the thing that is number one.
I think that the rose is the most beautiful flower in the world.
Hendue te ka rusas ne bulak ka iyan kinameupiyaan ne bulak kayi te kalibutan.
She finished her work the most quickly of anyone in the group.
Irreg.  much/many, more, most.
Sem.Dom.: determiners; pronouns; adverbs; GSL0076-0100
Status: ready

Last updated: 19/Sep/2012