Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: wangal; hukag; prublima
MS: wangal; hukag; prublima
We had a lot of trouble with our motorbike when we drove to Davao.
I have a lot of eye trouble, because my eyes are weak.
Life is hard for him because he has many troubles.

Def.: mareet ne sitwasyun; dilikadu ne sitwasyun
MS: mareet ne sitwasyun; dilikadu ne sitwasyun
a bad situation or danger (be in trouble).
She got into trouble swimming in the deep water, and someone needed to save her.
Diyè sikandin te dilikadu ne sitwasyun te pegpamanihus din diyè te maralem ne weyig, wey keilangan ne egluwasen sikandin te duma.

Def.: pegpeehetey; pegpeusihey; samuk
MS: pegpeehetey; pegpeusihey; samuk
fighting or bad actions.
The police arrested the men who were causing trouble in the shopping mall.

Def.: egpakalaggew
MS: egpakalaggew
If something troubles you, you feel worried about it.
My father's bad health really troubles me.

Def.: himu ne malised diyè te keykew
MS: himu ne malised
work that is not easy for you to do.
It's no trouble at all for me to help you.
Kenè ne malised kayi te keddì ka pegbulig keykew.
She went to a lot of trouble to make a delicious meal.

Def.: egbanggew
MS: egbanggew
If you trouble someone, you ask them to do something which they may not want to do.
I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you help me to carry this?
Pasaylua a ne egbanggew kuna, piru egkaayun ded ubag ne egbulihan a ni keykey ne eg-uyan kayi?
Sem.Dom.: GSL0551-0575
Status: ready

Last updated: 06/Aug/2012