Def.: eleg ne bali ne igbayad
MS: eleg ne bali
If something is worth a certain amount, that is the amount that people should pay for it.
I paid 6,000 for that horse, but it is worth 8,000.
Migbayad a te hen-em ne libu te kuddè, piru ka eleg ne bali kayi walu ne libu.
Def.: eleg ne bali
MS: eleg ne bali
The worth of something is how much money is the correct amount to pay for it.
What is the worth of that house?
Nekey a ka kentidad te sika ne baley?
Def.: pegkakeilangan
MS: pegkakeilangan
The worth of someone or something is how important or necessary they are.
A kind attitude is of great worth.
Ka meupiya ne batasan su dakel ne keilangan.
Def.: meupiya ne eggimuwen su eyew kenè egkaraat ka uras nu.
If something is worth doing, it is good to do, so you will not waste your time if you do it.
It's worth getting up early to watch the sunrise, even if the weather is cold.
Meupiya ne eg-enew te maselem-selem ne egtengteng te pegsilè te aldew, minsan pad ke ka timpu maagsil [ma͡agsil].
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; GSL0801-0825
Status: ready
Last updated: 18/Jan/2012