Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: bayaanan
MS: bayaanan
the path that a person or vehicle is travelling along.
The ship changed course, so that it was moving east, not south.
Our course took us into the forest.
It is difficult to know the course that a typhoon will take, because it can change direction quickly.

Def.: eggimuwen nu ne himuwen te nateil ne keyimtang
MS: eggimuwen
the thing that you decide to do in a particular situation.
What course of action should we follow now: should we search for the lost group, or wait until it is light?
I think that the best course of action is to wait.

Def.: layun egkeyitabù ne kapabulusan
MS: layun egkeyitabù ne kapabulusan
the way that something naturally happens.
In the course of that disease, patients usually get a fever on the second or third day.
Ka egkeyitabù te sika ne dalu, ka pasyinti egdatengen te ikaruwa wey ke ikatelu ne aldew.
It will be interesting to see the course that the weather takes in the next few days.

Def.: sunud-sunud ne egnengnengen te nateil ne guhuren
a series of lessons or subjects about a particular topic (e.g., a nursing course).

Def.: sabeka ne baad te egkakeen
MS: egkakeen, baad te; baad te egkakeen
one of the parts of a meal (e.g., main course, dessert).
Sem.Dom.: GSL0176-0200

in the course of
Def.: te (meyitenged te timpu)
MS: te
If something happens in the course of or over the course of a period of time, it happens during that time.
He met many new people in the course of the day.
Nakaalukuy sikandin te masulug ne me alukuy te seeyè ne aldew.
He met a lot of famous people in the course of his life.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012