Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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/sa-pohst (v); sa-poh-zəd (adj)/
Def.: minsan nekey ne keilangan ne egkeyitabù wey ke neyitabù
If something is supposed to happen, it should happen (maybe because there is a rule, or because people expect it). If something was supposed to happen, it should have happened (in the past), but it didn't.
He isn't supposed to know about that! Who told him?
Kenè perem egkaayun ne egpakataha sikandin due! Hentew a ka impanudtul kandin?
He is supposed to clean the kitchen, because that is his job.
Miglinisan din perem ka kusina, su trabahu rin ma iya sika.
He was supposed to be here an hour ago. Where is he?
Ganna perem sikandin ne uras kayi. Hendeid naa sikandin?

Def.: egkarineg ne iyan iya ne kasu piru warè nu pad isalerep
If you say that something is supposed to be the case, you have heard that it is the case, but you haven't experienced it yet.
I want to see that movie, because it's supposed to be really good.
Egkeupian a ne egpitew te seika ne salida, su narineg ku ne uupiyei kun sika.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke egpanunggiling ka te minsan nekey ne insuman-suman wey ke inlalag te me etew, minsan pad ke seini kenè ne malehet.
You use supposed to describe something that people think or say, even though it may not be true.
He is the supposed writer of that song, but nobody knows if he actually wrote it.
Sikandin ka nakahi ne migsulat te sika ne ulahingen, piru warè minsan hentew ne nakataha ke sikandin naa iya ka migsulat.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jul/2012