Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egtuu; siguradu
MS: egtuu; siguradu
If you expect that something is the case or will happen, you think that it is probably the case or will probably happen.
I expect that you are hungry after your long trip.
Egtuu a ne eggutasan ka impus te mariyù ne hipanewen.

Def.: egtatahad; egpallateng (meyitenged te peg-agseb te pegginguma)
MS: egtatahad; egpallateng
If you expect something, you are waiting for it, because you feel sure that it will come.
I'm expecting a text from my friend.

Def.: eg-iman-iman wey ke eglalag te keilangan ne eggimuwen
If you expect someone to do something, you believe or tell them that they should do it.
My parents expect me to help on our farm.
Eg-iman-iman ka ginikanan ku ne egbulig a kandan diyè te kamet.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0251-0275

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: peg-agseb
MS: peg-agseb
a feeling that something will probably happen.
There is the expectation of rain tomorrow.
Def.: peg-iman-iman wey ke peglalag te keilangan ne eggimuwen
something that someone believes you should do, or tells you that you should do.
Our teacher has high expectations of us, and doesn't allow us to be lazy.
Matikang ka peg-iman-iman kanami ka meistra ney, wey kenè sikandin egtuhut ne egpapepehul key.
The expectation is that we will pay for ourselves.

Def.: egkabagget
MS: egkabagget
If you are expectant, you are excited because you feel that something good or exciting is going to happen.
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012