Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpangilaleen; egkeila
MS: egpangilaleen; egkela
If you identify someone or something, you know or say who or what they are.
I know most of these plants, but I can't identify this one.
Nateu a te langun ne me pinamula, piru kenè ku egkeila ka seini.

Def.: egpeila; egpataha
MS: egpeila; egpataha
If something identifies a person or thing, it shows other people who or what they are.
His clothes identify him as a soldier.
Ka kumbalè din egpeila ne sikandin sundalu.

Def.: egnengneng; egpamitew
MS: egnengneng; egpamitew
If you identify something that you didn't know or see before, you find it.
Police are trying to identify the cause of death.
Ka me pulis miggeram te egnengneng te aliddanan te kamatayen.

Def.: egpekeila
MS: egpekeila
If you identify one person or thing with another person or thing, you feel that they are similar, or have a connection.
Many people identify the color white with weddings.
Masalig ne me etew ne egpekeila ne ka batek ne maangkag para te kasal.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1

identify with
Def.: egpakasabut puun te nekeg-iling ka imbayè
If you identify with someone, you understand their feelings or experience, because you have a similar experience.
I can identify with children who have no parents, because my parents died when I was young.
Egpakasabut a te me batè ne me ilu, su neilu a te deisek e pad.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012