Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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det, pron.
Def.: seini (meyitenged te daruwa wey ke masulug ne kasangkapan ne marani rè keykew)
MS: seini
You use these to talk about two or more things which are close to you.
Here, take these guavas.
Seini red, kua nu seini se me beyabas.
pron, det.

Def.: seini; seika (meyitenged te peglalag te minsan nekey ne miglalag e wey ke eglalahen pad)
MS: seini; seika
You use these to talk about something which you've just said, or something which you are going to say.
It's too expensive, and it will take too much time. These are the reasons why I disagree with the plan.
Amana sika ne mahal, wey egkaluhey pad sika. Seini ka egpuunan ne kena a egkabennalan te planu.
These are the reasons why I disagree with the plan: first, it's too expensive, and second, it will take too much time.
Seini ka egpuunan ne kena a egkabennalan te planu: an-anayan, amana sika ne mahal, igkarangeb, aman pad sika egkaluhey.
Sem.Dom.: determiners; pronouns; GSL0051-0075
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012