Def.: ka langun ne due te sika ne butang nakapeyimu kandin ne pinasahì te langun
The character of something is all of the things about it which make it special.
The old bridge is part of the character of the town.
Ka daan ne tulay baad ne nekeyimu ne ka lungsud pinasahì.
Def.: egpakabagget wey pinasahì
MS: egpakabagget; pinasahì
Character is the state of being interesting and special.
That town really has character, because the gardens there are very pretty.
Ka sika ne lungsud malehet ne egpakabagget wey pinasahi, su due memeupiya ne me pinamula ne me bulak.
They have painted their fish cart with an interesting design, so it has character.
Def.: suman-suman wey pusung; pegkeetew
MS: suman-suman; pusung; pegkeetew
A person's character is their mind and heart (their thinking and emotions).
He has a very interesting character, and I don't know anybody who is similar to him.
Due makabebagget ne suman-suman din wey pusung, wey wara a nakataha ke nekey ka egpekeiling kandin.
Def.: maheteng se suman-suman wey pusung
Character is the fact that your mind and heart are strong, so you don't allow other people to force you to do things that you don't want. You do what is right even when it is difficult.
People don't offer my father a bribes, because they know he is a man of character.
Ka me etew kenè egbehey te mareet ne dasag diyè te amey ku, su nakataha sikandan te maheteng se suman-suman wey pusung din.
Def.: me etew diyè te libru wey salida
MS: etew diyè te libru wey salida
a person in a book or movie.
The main character in that book is called Pablo.
Ka egkapangasak ne etew diyè te libru su egngaranan ki Pablu.
Def.: sinulat
MS: sinulat
one thing that you write or print, such as a letter, number or other symbol.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0551-0575
Status: ready
Last updated: 26/Sep/2012