Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Fr. Ceb. katungdanan
Data Qual: Needs cleaning up – I just combined two entries [RJH]
(katungdanan, kA><an-) position; duties
Hentew a ka dakel se katungdanan kayi te Simud su due tuyu ku kandin.
Who has a great position here in Sinuda because I has a mission to him.
Wrd.Gloss: duty
Morpho. This word does not fit into the phonology of Matigsalug - Matigsalug pronounciation would be "katundanan".
Eng. position; duty; duties; responsibility; responsibilities; job; rank
Ceb. katungdanan
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Ka katungdanan iyan ka keilangan ne eggimuwen wey katenged te minsan hentew. Masulug seini ne klasi iling te katenged te amey, talagpanulù, me upisyalis. Minsan degma ka me anak due keilangan ne eggimuwen dan iling te egbulig te amey wey iney. Ka minsan nekey ne keilangan ne eggimuwen te sabeka ne etew tenged su sika iya ka himu rin, sikan naa ka igpasabut kayi ne lalag.
Iyan ku katungdanan diyè te baranggay ka egpanulat te langun ne neneyitabu kayi te inged ta su talagsulat e man iya.
My task in the barangay hall is to write all incidents happened in our place because I am the writer/secretary.
Duen ded katungdanan nu diyè te iskuylaan?
Do you have task in the school?
Eng. right; burden; function; duty; duties; task
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 20/Mar/2013