Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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/a-byooz (v), a-byooss (n)/
Def.: eglasey wey ke egpeyilew ne egkaamanaan [egkaamana͡an]
MS: eglasey; egpeyilew
If you abuse a person or animal, you treat them very badly, and hurt them in some way.
This dog was abused by his last owner, so he is afraid of sticks.
Ka seini ne asu amana nalasey te newun-a ne kamuney, sika ka egkaaldek [egka͡alldek] e te lampes.
The angry customer abused the shop assistant, saying many rude things to her.

Def.: peglasey wey ke pegpeyilew ne egkaamanaan
MS: peglasey wey ke pegpeyilew
the action of hurting a person or animal by treating them very badly.
She suffered physical abuse from her parents.
Sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime.

Def.: egdereet; egpasubla
MS: egdereet; egpasubla
If you abuse something, you use it in a wrong way.
She abused her position in the shop by stealing money.
Migdereetan din ka katenged din diyè te tindaan [tinda͡an] te migpanakew sikandin te seleppì.

Def.: pegdereet; pegpasubla
MS: pegdereet; pegpasubla
the action of using something in a wrong way.
Sem.Dom.: extra
Status: ready

Last updated: 15/Sep/2015