Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Pron.: su:l
a wage
Warad perem iglabung ney gabii piru meupiya su due ubag suul ku te egpangalut ne intetahù ku.
We wouldn't have had any dinner last night but it was good because I had a payment from haircutting that I had stored away.
Eng. wage; salary; honorarium; income; payment; compensation
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egsuul, migsuul, agent, eg><ø-) to give something as payment (igsuul, insuul)
Ka igsuul iyan ka minsan ne igbayad wey ig-unag te trabahanti ne migbasuk wey miggimu te minsan nekey. Egkaayun ka minsan nekey ne igbayad ne eleg iya degma te imbayè te trabahanti. Egkaayun ka seleppì, egkakeen, me kasangkapan wey minsan nekey pad ne due kentiddad wey due karuan.
Iyan ku igsuul te nangamet ka hemey su eyew due egkakeen dan te peg-ulì dan e.
A rice will be my payment to ones clearing the field so that they will have food to eat at break.
Emun ke egsuulan nud ka me etew, kenè nu peg-ilinga ka igsuul nu kandan su mananey migbunsud ka duma wey deisek se imbayè.
If you are paying the workers, their payment will not be the same because some had started later than others and don't have sufficient outcome.
Eng. wage; pay wage; payment; gift in kind; salary; pay salary; honorarium; pay honorarium
Ceb. bayad; suwildo
Tag. sahod
OCM: Miscellaneous Hardware (414)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RJH
Last updated: 27/Mar/2017

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