a traditional herbal medicine for treating someone who is no longer completely sane (busawen)
Cult. This is a tree oil which is rubbed all over the patient's body and can also be drunk. If the person gets a rash from this medicine, it is a sign that he has been poisoned or cursed (imbarang). If the person is not cured, no payment is expected. If the person is cured, a large payment is expected, such as a horse (worth 5,000 pesos in 1990) or even more. This remedy is known only by a few people.
Syn. buwas
Genr. delemetan
Genr. ketey
Genr. bawì
Eng. medicine for insanity; insanity, medicine for
OCM: Preventive Medicine (751)
DDP: Medicine (, Oil (, Medicine (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (eg-alang, mig-alang/in-alang, alang, agent, eg><ø-) to treat someone (eg-alangan, in-alangan/mig-alang/pig-alang, alangi, patient, eg><an-) with herbal medicine (for curses or poisoning lambus) (ig-alang, in-alang, instrument, ig><ø-)
Kenà ad iya egkahaldek ke eglambusan a te duma su due ig-alang ku.
I am never afraid if I am poisoned by another because I have a treatment for it.
Eng. treat for poisoning or curse; treatment for poisoning; poisoning, treat for; curse, treat for a; cure of poisoning or curse
DDP: Treat disease (2.5.7)
Online dict status: r
Usage level: R
for someone (eg-alang, mig-alang/in-alang, alang, agent, eg><ø-) to stop the rain (eg-alangan, in-alangan/mig-alang/pig-alang, alangi, patient, eg><an-) by the use of incantation (ig-alang, in-alang, instrument, ig><ø-)
Eng. stop rain (by incantation); rain, to stop by incantation
Online dict status: r
Usage level: R
Last updated: 21/Dec/2011