Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a traditional medicine for treating someone who is no longer completely sane (busawen)
Cult. This remedy is known only by a few people or the one who caused the curse. If the person is not cured, no payment is expected. If the person is cured, a large payment is expected such as a horse or even more (worth 5,000 pesos in 1990).
Syn. alang
Genr. delemetan
Genr. ketey
Genr. bawì
Eng. medicine
OCM: Preventive Medicine (751)
DDP: Medicine (, Medicine (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for a healer (egbuwas, migbuwas/imbuwas, buwas, agent, eg><ø-) to treat someone (egbuwasan, imbuwasan/migbuwasan/pigbuwasan, buwasi, location, eg><an-) by the used of a traditional medicine (usually an oil lana) with incantation (igbuwas, imbuwas, instrument, ig><ø-) especially if suffering from a curse or poison (eglambusan)
Eggendiyà a te anaken ku su egbuwas a kandin te miglambusan.
I'm going to my nephew to treat him from his curse.
Egbuwasan kun ni apù ka miglambusan diyè te Salalayan.
My grandfather is going to treat the person that has been cursed at Salalayan.
Eng. heal; cure; treat
DDP: Oil (, Treat disease (2.5.7)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 31/Jul/2013