Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eggamit ka kayi ke eglalag ka meyitenged te pamaahi te pegtanggu wey ke pegtumpis.
If you treat someone a certain way (e.g., badly, kindly, like a son), that is the way that you behave towards them.
He treats his animals very well, so they are healthy and happy.
Intumpisan din ka me mananap din upiani, sika ka mallambeg sikandan.
I like our teacher because he treats us as adults.

Def.: egtuganul
MS: egtuganul
If you treat something a certain way, that is the way that you use it or behave towards it.
Treat this book with care, because it was very expensive.
Tuganula nu seini se libru ne due pegtumpis, su amana seini ne mahal.

Def.: egbawì
MS: egbawì
If you treat someone who is sick, you give medical care.
The burned child was treated at the clinic.

Def.: eggamit te kimikals eyew te pegbalew-balew te minsan nekey
If you treat something, you use a chemical to change it in some way.
In cities they treat the water to make it safer to drink.

Def.: egpakeen wey ke egpalewuk-lewuk te senge-etew wey sikandin ka balahad ne eggastu wey te pegbayad.
If you treat someone to food or to some good experience, you pay for them.
She treated me to lunch.

Def.: kasangkapan wey ke keyimtang ne amana ne meupiya wey kenè amana ne malasi.
a special, good thing or experience which doesn't happen often.
We only have biku on birthdays, so it is a special treat.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0426-0450
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012