Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: dibabew; ampew
MS: dibabew; ampew
the outside or top of something (e.g., water, or a table).
The hot cup left a mark on the surface of the table.
Ka meinit ne pakawan nakahaat [nakaha͡at] te marka diyè te dibabew te lamisa.
The dead fish was floating on the surface of the water.
Ka migpatey ne ngalap te weyig miggampung te weyig.
The road surface is no longer very good, and there are a lot of potholes.
Ka kelesadda kenad ne meupiya, wey due masalig ne lungag.

Def.: baad te sitwasyun wey ke umul te duma ne egkakita nu
the part of a situation or someone's life that you can see.
On the surface, he looks happy, but I think he is worried about many things.
Te egkakita, nahalè sikandin, piru suman-suman ku ne masalig ka igkalaggew din.

Def.: egpalunggahampung
MS: egpalunggahampung
If something in the water surfaces, it comes up from under the water to the top of the water.
The swimmer surfaced after a minute underwater.
Ka talaglumbuk migpalinggaampung [migpalingga͡ampung] pegkeimpus te senge-minutu puun diyè te diralem te weyig.

Def.: egkatuenan
MS: egkatuenan
If a piece of information surfaces, people learn about it, when they didn't know about it before.
Some interesting facts about him have surfaced during the past week.
Ka duma ne egpakabagget ne kamalehetan meyitenged kandin natuenan e te miglihad ne simana.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0476-0500
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012