Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a person or animal (egkahalè, nahalè, experiencer, egkA><ø-) to be happy about something (egkahalaan, nahalaan, location, egkA><an-) (igkahalè, ingkahalè, ikahalè, reason, igkA><ø-)
Gramm. The thing which someone is happy about can either be marked for 'location' focus or 'reason' focus.
Egkahalè ka me etew ke due egkakeen dan piru ke warè egkaprublimaan dan.
The people will be happy if they have food, but if they don't, they have a problem.
Igkahalè te asu ka tul-an te minsan nekey ne ngalap.
The thing that will make the dog happy is bones of any animals.
Kahalè kew ke meupiya ka peglelawa niyu su dakel ka egkeyimu niyu te tagsè aldew.
You should be happy when you have good health because you have a lot of work to do every day.
Eng. happy; pleased; elated; joyous; joyful; gleeful; glad
Tag. masayá; maligayás; natutuwâ; nalúlugód
Ceb. malipayon
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Happy (, Like, love (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for something (egpakahalè, nakahalè, agent, egpAkA-) to make someone happy, or to be the thing (igpakahalè/impakahalè, reason, igpAkA-) which makes them happy
Eng. happy
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egpahale-galè, migpahale-galè/impahale-galè, agent, eg><ø-pA-rdpRT-) to cause someone (egpahale-galeen, impahale-galè/migpahale-galè/pigpahale-galè, egpahale-galaan, impahale-galaan/migpahale-galaan/pigpahale-galaan, recipient, eg><en-rdpRT-, eg><an-rdpRT-) to be happy, by giving them something (igpahale-galè/impahale-galè, instrument, igpA><ø-rdpRT-) that they have brought for that person (e.g. a gift, or some food)
Egbeli a te ngalap su igpahale-galè ku te Iney ku.
I'm going to buy meat so that I will make my mother happy.
Gramm. The person is shown can either be marked for 'theme' focus or 'recipient' focus.
Eng. make happy; happy, make; glad, make; merriment, make; celebrate
Tag. pasalubong
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(kahalaan, kA-) happiness
Eng. happiness; joy; entertainment; amusement; pleasure; leisure; relaxation; fun; enjoyment
DDP: Happy (, Like, love (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(mahalè, mA1-) happy
Gramm. Can be a feeling or a personality trait
Eng. happy
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Happy (, Like, love (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(mahale-galè, mA1-rdpRT-) very happy
Mahale-galè ne batè si Imi wey amana sikandin ne meelit-elit.
Imi is a very happy child and very friendly.
Gramm. Can be a feeling or a personality trait
Eng. cheery; mirthful
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

(makahehalè, mAkA-rdpCV-) delightful
Makahehalè ka pegkeetew te batè.
The birth of a child is delightful.
Eng. delightful
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for people (egpekeggaleey, nekeggaleey, egpekeg><ey-) to greet each other happily
Egpekeggaleey ki iya ke egmekegkita-kita ki ka talag-alukuy.
We're all happy when we meet friends.
Eng. happily; greet, to
DDP: Happy (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for a group (egpekeggale-galeey, nekeggale-galeey, agent, egpekeg><ey-rdpRT-) to cheer each other up
Egpekeggale-galeey ki iya ke egmekegkita-kita ki ka talag-alukuy.
We cheer each other up when we get together as friends.
Eng. comfort, to
DDP: Happy (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 07/Jun/2017

Links to songbook

"Eggale-gale" in song "Eggale-gale ka langun"

"Eggale-gale" in song "Eggale-gale ka langun"

"Kahalaan" in song "Panugtuli a ki Hisus"

"Nahale-gale" in song "Su naangken kud si Hisus"

"kahalaan" in song "Ka keddiey ne umul"