Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egsumsumanen
MS: egsumsumanen
If you regard someone or something as a certain thing, that is what you think about them.
He regards all dogs as dirty and dangerous.
Egsumsumanen din ne ka langun ne me asu mallindit wey dilikadu.

Def.: peg-addat wey ke pegbassa
MS: peg-addat wey ke pegbassa
Your regard for someone is the fact that you think they are very good (hold someone in regard).
People hold that leader in high regard.

Def.: egpalintutuu; egparuma-ruma; eg-addat; egtahud
MS: egpalintutuu; egparuma-ruma; eg-addat; egtahud
If you regard something such as rules, you do what they say to do.

Def.: pegpalintutuu; pegparuma-ruma; peg-addat; pegtahud
MS: pegpalintutuu; pegparuma-ruma; peg-addat; pegtahud
Your regard for rules is the fact that you obey them (show regard for rules).
He always shows great regard for safety in his work.
He is a dangerous driver because he shows no regard for road rules.

Def.: eg-addat; egbassa
MS: eg-addat; egbassa
If you regard another person, or their feelings, you care about them, and want them to be comfortable and happy.
Please regard other people if you arrive home late, and don't make a lot of noise.
Palihug addati niyu ka duma ne etew ke egkamewuri kew egginguma diyè te baley.

Def.: peg-addat; pegbassa
MS: peg-addat; pegbassa
Your regard for someone is the fact that you care about them, and want them to be comfortable and happy (show regard for someone).
He always shows regard for his wife's feelings, and speaks politely to her.

Def.: eglabet; meyitenged te; due kalabetan te
MS: eglabet; meyitenged te; due kalabetan
If a topic regards a particular person or thing, it includes or is about that person or thing.
You need to listen to this, because it regards you.
Keilangan ne egpammineg ka kayi, su ka seini meyitenged kuna.

Def.: me pegpangumusta
MS: pegpangumusta (me)
friendly greetings. You say, 'Give my regards to X' to ask someone to pass on a greeting from you. You can use 'Regards' as a polite and friendly ending for a letter.
Sem.Dom.: plural nouns; GSL0476-0500

with regard to, regarding
Def.: meyitenged te
MS: meyitenged te
You use with regard to, or regarding, to say what you are talking about.
Now, with regard to our budget, what did we decide?
Kuntee, meyitenged te badit ta, nekey ka suman-suman ta.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012