Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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adj, adv.
Def.: nakaampew
MS: nakaampew
If something such as a bird is high, it is far above the ground.
Can you see that bird high above us?
adj, adv.

Def.: matikang
MS: matikang
Something high has a large measurement from bottom to top (e.g., a high mountain).

Def.: katikang; katikangan
MS: katikang; katikangan
You use high to give the measurement from the bottom to the top of something, or from the ground to something in the air.
The cliff is 10m high.
Ka katikang te tikeba su sapulù ne mitrus.
How high is the airplane?
Kamenu katikang ka eriplanu?
The airplane is about 2000m high now.
Ka katikangan te eriplanu su daruwe e ne libu kuntee.

Def.: kekesehi, nenekali (meyitenged te kakeseg); lalantusi (meyitenged te kariyuan te pegdegpak); iiniti (meyitenged te keinit aldew); deralemi (meyitenged te karalem te weyig)
MS: kekesehi; nenekali; lalantusi; iiniti; deralemi
If something that you can measure is high, the measurement or level is large, or larger than usual (e.g., temperature, speed, water level).
They drove at a high speed along the highway.

Def.: matikang ne katenged
MS: matikang ne katenged
A high position in a company or society is an important one.
The manager has the highest position in the company.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0101-0125
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012