Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: seleppì ne eggastuwen
MS: seleppì ne eggastuwen
money that you spend (go to expense).
She went to a lot of expense to fix the house.

Def.: minsan nekey ne keilangan ne egbeliyen wey ke egbayaran
something that you need to buy or pay for.
Students have many expenses.

Def.: eg-antus te minsan nekey ne mareet
MS: eg-antus
If something happens at the expense of a person or thing, that person or thing suffers something bad.
She was upset because they told many jokes at her expense [this means that the jokes were about her].
The girl was upset by their joking, because the joke was at her expense.
Neepes ka malitan te me kawalian nikandan su meyitenged seini kandin.
She helped me at the expense of her free time [this means she lost her free time].
Migbulig sikandin keddì te bakanti rin ne uras.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0976-1000
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012