Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpepekù
MS: egpepekù
If you bend down or forward, you move the top part of your body so that you are not standing or sitting straight up.
She bent down to pick up a stone.
Migpepekù sikandin eyew te pegpurut te batu.

Def.: egpekuen
MS: egpekuen
If you bend something, you cause it to be not straight.
She bent the stick until it broke.
Impekù din ka tuked taman te nahepù.
If you pick up something heavy, you should bend your knees, not your back.
Ke eggenat ka te minsan nekey ne mabehat, dapat ne egpekuen nu ka me buel nu, kenè ne peka nu.

Def.: pekù wey siku te minsan nekey iling te pahamayan ne weyig wey ke kelesadda
MS: pekù; siku
a corner or change of direction in something such as a river or road.
I couldn't see the house because of the bend in the road.
Kenè ku egkakita ka baley tenged te siku kayi te kelesadda.
This pipe is not straight because there is a bend in it.
Ka seini ne tubù kenè ne matul-id su due pekù kayi.
Irreg.  bent, bent.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1226-1250
Note: include this entry, even though high GSL number, because it is included in a number of other entries.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012