Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: matul-id
MS: matul-id
If something is straight, it has no bends in it (e.g., straight hair, a straight line, a straight road).
adj, adv.

Def.: nekeg-iling katul-id ka tagsè ilis
MS: nekeg-iling katul-id ka tagsè ilis
If something such as a picture is straight, both sides are at the same level.
The picture is not straight, because the left side is lower than the right.
Ka litratu warè nekeg-iling ka katul-id, su ka igkahibang ne ilis nariralem du te igkakawanan.

Def.: eggendiyè duritsu te warè pegpanulan-tulan
MS: duritsu; warè pegpanulan-tulan
If you go straight to a place, you go there directly, without going to any other places on the way.
I can't play basketball after school, because I need to go straight home.
Kena ad eggalew te baskitbul pegkeimpus te klasi, su keilangan a eg-uli duritsu te baley.
adv, adj.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke eglalag ka te minsan nekey ne egpabulus-bulus te nateil ne timpu, wey kenè egsanggel.
You use straight to say that something continues for a period of time, and does not stop.
I was very tired, and I slept for 12 hours straight.
Amana a nabeley, wey nakalipereng a te dusi ne uras te narahayun
Sem.Dom.: GSL0876-0900
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012