Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(nakaleus, nAkA-pA-) to be thrown forward (off a horse)
Ka nakaleus iyan ka nakapalasung wey ka nakabuntug naa tenged te amana ne iiyali ne pegpallahuy/peggipanew/pegpapallahuy te minsan nekey. Egkaayunan degma te seini ne lalag ka minsan hentew ne miggipanew wey warè nataleen/nabanggew/nabalabahan te hipanew rin.
Amana ne iiyali ka kuddè ku piru mahaan egsuwey te dalan ke egpallahuy, sikan naa ka malasi a degma egpakaleus diyè te kewun-aan ke egsuwey e ka kuddè.
My horse is very fast runner but gets off the road easily, that's why I often thrown off from the horse when the it gets off the road.
Eng. thrown off; buck off
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,TME,RJH
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009

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