Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbehey te dakel ne timpu
MS: egbehey te dakel ne timpu
If you focus on something, you give most of your thinking or time to that thing, and not to other things.
In our science class we are focusing on plants at the moment.
Te sayans ne klasi ney migbehey key te dakel ne timpu kuntee diyè te me pinamula.

Def.: egbehayan te dakel ne timpu
MS: egbehayan te dakel ne timpu
The focus of a person or group is the main thing that they give their thinking and time to.
In our science class, our focus is plants at the moment.
Te sayans ne klasi ney migbeheyan ney te dakel ne timpu kuntee ka me pinamula.

Def.: egpakameleg-meleg
MS: egpakameleg-meleg
If your eyes (or equipment such as cameras) focus, they cause the thing that you are looking at to be clear.
After he hit his head, he could not focus: he saw two of everything.
Te nakasungkul iya ka ulu rin, kenad e sikandin egpakameleg-meleg: egkararuwe e ke egteng-teng sikandin te minsan nekey.

Def.: naay-ayaran; namelmelehan
MS: naay-ayaran; namelmelehan
the state of a picture being clear. Something is in focus.
In that picture, the girl's face is in focus, and the background is out of focus.
Te seika ne litratu, ka ula-ula te malitan amana namelmelehan, wey ka dayan-dayan miggalap-halap .

Def.: egteng-ew te sabeka rè ne kasangkapan
MS: egteng-ew
If you focus lines of something (e.g., light) on another thing, you cause all the lines to point at that thing.
They all focused their flashlights on the frog.
Ka langun ne sulù dan nakateng-ew diyè te bakbak.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012