Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egdapig, migdapig/indapig, dapig, agent, eg><ø-) to put aside something (egdapihen, indapig/migdapig/pigdapig, igdapig, migdapig/indapig, dapig, instrument, eg><en-, ig><ø-) somewhere (egdapihan, indapihan/migdapihan/pigdapihan, dapihi, location, eg><an-)
Gramm. The thing which is put aside can either be marked for 'theme' focus or 'instrument' focus.
Egdapig a te ngalap su para te asawa ku ne migpanumbaley.
I put aside some meat for my wife who is visiting our neighbor.
Indapig ku seini se ulu te manuk su igsamè ku te hari ku.
I put aside this chicken head because I will leave it for my younger sister.
Eng. put aside; aside, put; place aside; set aside; reserve; sideline, to; arrange; prepared
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egpakadapig, nakadapig, agent, egpAkA-) to be able to put aside something (igpakadapig, impakadapig, instrument, igpAkA-)
Eng. arrange; separate
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(talagdapig, talag-) a person who regularly sets aside things for other people (because that is their task)
Eng. arranger
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for a person (egpandapig, impandapig/migpandapig, pandapig, agent, egpaN-) to move things (egpandapihen, impandapig/migpandapig/pigpandapig, pandapa, theme, eg><en-paN-) one by one from a place to another place (egpandapihan, impandapihan/migpandapihan/pigpandapihan, pandapihi, location, eg><an-paN-) until there are no more in the original place
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (egdapig-dapig, migdapig-dapig/indapig-dapig, dapig-dapig, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to separate from the group (egdapig-dapihan, indapig-dapihan/migdapig-dapihan/pigdapig-dapihan, dapig-dapihi, location, eg><an-rdpRT-) deliberately
Eng. separate; set aside
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (egdapig, migdapig/indapig, dapig, agent, eg><ø-) to favor or side with someone else (egdapihan, indapihan/migdapihan/pigdapihan, dapihi, beneficiary, eg><an-)
Nekeg-ehet ensi Tinung wey si Anul piru egdapig a ki Anul su meupiya sikandin ne etew.
Tinung and Anul quarrelled but I side with Anul because he is a good man.
Eng. favor; side with; take side; close with; stand with; back, to; support, to
DDP: Prefer (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 10/Apr/2016

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