Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: batasan ne egkeupian te duma
an attitude of liking someone.
He has the favor of the people, so I think he will be chosen at the election.

Def.: pegbulig
MS: pegbulig
something that you do for someone just to help them (do someone a favor).
Could you please do me a favor? Could you go to the shops for me, because I'm busy.
Kaayun ded ubag ne egpabulig keykew? Kaayun ded ubag ne hendiyei e te tindaan [tinda͡an], su amana ne masalig ka himu ku.

Def.: eglapig wey ke egdapig
MS: eglapig; egdapig
If you favor someone, you like them and treat them better than other people.
It's not fair, because my grandmother favors my brother, and doesn't care about me.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0951-0975

in favor of
Def.: eg-uyun
MS: eg-uyun
If you are in favor of something, you agree with it, and think that people should do it.
I am in favor of building the new road.
Eg-uyun a ne eggimu te iyam ne kelesadda.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012