Def.: eggen-gen wey eg-uyan (te kabehat te minsan nekey)
MS: eggen-gen wey eg-uyan
If something supports another thing, it carries the weight of that thing.
The man with the broken leg couldn't walk well, so his friend walked beside him and supported him.
If you hold a young baby, you should support its head with your hand or arm.
The shelf is supporting a lot of books, so be careful that it doesn't break.
Def.: peggen-gen wey peg-uyan (te kabehat te minsan nekey)
MS: peggen-gen wey peg-uyan
the action of helping to carry the weight of something
The support of his friend's arm stopped him from falling.
Def.: tukeg
MS: tukeg
something which helps to carry the weight of something.
He felt weak, so he used the table as a support when he stood up.
Def.: eg-uyag (meyitenged te pegbulig)
MS: eg-uyag
If you support someone, you regularly give them the money or things that they need to live.
He has many children, so he needs to work hard to support all of them.
His uncle supported him through college.
Def.: seleppì wey butang ne keilangan ne igbehey eyew egkeuyag
the money or things which someone needs to live, and which you give to them.
His uncle's support allowed him to finish college.
His sister works in the city, and sends home support for the family.
Def.: egpangabang, egbulig
MS: egpangabang; egbulig
If you support someone, you help them when they have some trouble in their life.
His friends supported him a lot when he was depressed.
Ka me alukuy rin amana migpangabang kandin te nalangè sikandin.
Def.: pegbulig
MS: pegbulig
the help that people give you when you have some trouble in your life.
I was very thankful for the support of my friends when my grandmother died.
Def.: bulig; nakabulig
MS: bulig; nakabulig
someone who helps you when you have some trouble in your life
My friend was a great support to me when my grandmother died.
Ka me alukuy ku amana dakel ne bulig keddiey te pegpatey te apu ku ne buyag e.
Def.: egpalintutuu wey egkeupian te suman-suman
MS: egpalintutuu; egkeupian
If you support an idea, you agree with it and like it.
I support the Barangay's plan to build a clinic.
Def.: pegpalintutuu wey pegkeupii
MS: pegpalintutuu wey pegkeupii
Your support for an idea is the fact that you agree with it and like it.
Public support for the Barangay plan is growing.
Def.: egpasabut te malehet iya ka puhawang wey lalag
If something supports an idea or words, it helps to show that the idea or words are true.
I believe them, because his story supports her story.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400
Status: ready
Last updated: 18/Jan/2012