Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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vi, vt(+prep), v-passive.
Def.: due kalabetan
MS: due kalabetan
If something relates to another thing, they have some connection.
vi, vt(+prep).

Def.: meyitenged te
MS: meyitenged te
If something relates to a particular topic, it is about that topic.
vi, vt(+prep).

Def.: egpakigduma
MS: egpakigduma
If you relate to someone, you spend time with them and communicate with them.
He is very shy, and it is hard for him to relate to new people.
Amana ne hiilawen [hi:lawen] sikandin, wey malised para kandin ka pegpakigduma te iyam ne me etew.
My two sons relate to each other very well.
vi, vt(+prep).

Def.: egpakataha wey ke egpakanengneng; egpakasabut
MS: egpakataha; egpakanengneng; egpakasabut
If you can relate to someone or something, you understand them because you have experienced the same thing.
I can relate to students, because I have been a student myself.
Egpakataha a te me istudyanti, su migbaya a iya degma te pegkaistudyanti.

Def.: egpangguhud
MS: egpangguhud
If you relate a story, you tell it.
He related the story of what had happened.
Impangguhud din ka guhuren ke nekey ka neyitabù.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0726-0750
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012