Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: sidsid wey ke ilis te minsan nekey; keepusan; katammanan; bunsuranan
MS: sidsid; ilis; keepusan; katammanan; bunsuranan
The edge of something is the border of it, the part of it where it stops or begins (e.g., the edge of the road).
The edge of her long skirt touches the ground.
Ka sidsid te malayat ne saya rin egpakaragket te tanè.
I planted trees around the edge of my land.

Def.: galang
MS: galang
The edge of something such as a knife is the sharp part which cuts.
The knife had a very sharp edge.
Ka ilab gehalangi.

Def.: iddus te pupul te nasiku ne baad te minsan nekey
a place where two sides of something join (e.g., the edge of a box).
I hit my head on the edge of the table.
Nakasangkub ka ulu ku diyè te iddus te pupul te lamisa.

Def.: egpakameupiya
MS: egpakameupiya
something that helps you to do something better than other people.
He is very tall, so he has an edge when he plays basketball.
Amana ne malangkew sikandin, sika ka egpakameupiya kandin te peggalew rin te baskitbul.

Def.: eggipanew ne mapahanad-ganad
MS: eggipanew ne mapahanad-ganad
If you edge somewhere, you move there very slowly.
She edged closer to the door, so that nobody would see her.
Miggipanew sikandin pahanad-ganad diyè te gumawan, eyew warè egpakakita kandin ne minsan hentew.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0801-0825
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012