Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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traps on the shoulder
Ka baba iyan sika se minsan nekey ne iggiket diyè te pamanayen eyew egkeuyan wey ke egkabitbit naa ne minsan nekey. Kaayun seini ne manggad, balahen abaka wey duma pad ne egkeyimu ne baba.
Himuwi nu te baba ka abaka eyew egkababa nu.
Make a trap on the shoulder the fiber so that you can carry it on the shoulder.
Keilangan ne egtahuan ka ipud te daruwa ne baba.
It's necessary to put two traps on the shoulder of the ipud.
Eng. trap on the shoulder; strap
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 23/Oct/2015
Updated by: RAA,RJH
Last updated: 09/Jun/2017

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"Babaa" in text "A day's activities"

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