Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Fr. Ceb. piyal
for someone (egpiyalan, ipiyal, patient, eg><an-)
Egpiyalan iya te ahalen ka etew ne egkapiyalan.
The trusted man will be entrusted by his master.
Ipiyal niyu ki Toto ka langun ne eggimuwen su amana egkateù sikandin.
Can be pass all the works to Toto because he know what to do.
to be entrusted with a large responsibility
Ka lalag ne piyal iyan igpasabut ka igbehey ka katenged te kamuney diyè te senge etew ne egkasalihan piru egkaayun ded ne eggawien te kamuney ka minsan nekey ne impiyal din.
Igpiyal e ni Bagas ka kalabew rin eyew egkahamit ni Noel.
Bagas entrusted to Noel the carabao so that he has to use.
Igpiyal kanta ka anak din su egkasalihan ki.
His son/daugther entrust to us because we can trusted.
Wrd.Gloss: entrust
Eng. entrust; on behalf; behalf; represent; representative; intermediary; vicarious; foreman; supervisor; manager
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
for someone (egkapiyalan, napiyalan, patient, egkA><an-) to be trustworthy
Egpiyalan iya te ahalen ka etew ne egkapiyalan.
The trusted man will be entrusted by his master.
Napiyalan ad te langun ne himu kayi te baley ney su egtulik a.
I am reliable to do all works in the house because I'll follow the instruction.
Wrd.Gloss: trustworthy
Eng. trustworthy; trusted; reliable; honest
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: JLM,TME,RJH,RAA
Last updated: 20/Dec/2016