Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka lenga iyan ka dereisek ne benì ne egpekeiling te pantad wey bayew makalawag se batek. Igsawed seini ke igpamula wey egpekeiling te lawa te paley emun ke egtubu. Nasabeka iya ka igngaran te lawa wey te behas din su lenga iya piru iyan egkakeen ka behas kayi. Egbinayuwen pad wey egkataman egsubbeen e wey egkeenen e. Amana ne mananam ka lenga ke egsukalan.
Amana ne mapampamula ka iney ku lenga su egkeempet iya ka kamet ney te lenga ne insawed din.
My mother is very fond of planting a sesame seed because our farm is mostly full of sesame plants she had spread.
Cult. the seed is used for food. The oil of the seed is extracted and used for a cosmetics and for cooking. The leaves are used for cleansing the hair
Eng. sesame
Tag. lingá
Ceb. lunga
Ilo.: lengngá
OCM: Flora (137), Special Crops (249), Food Preparation (252), Toilet (302)
DDP: Oil (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: B

Updated by: RJH,TME,NJK,NJK
Last updated: 16/Aug/2010