Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egkahulikid, nahulikid, actor, egkA><ø-) to be very busy
Ka egkahulikid iyan ka egkasamuk wey egkatabikes te minsan nekey ne eggimuwen. Egkaayunan degma te seini ne lalag ka egkatabikes te masulug wey dakel ne egtangguwen wey egpanguyanen.
Nahulikid key gabii su meyirap ka tis ney te iskuylaan.
We troubled yesterday because our examination is very hard.
Miglugsu iya ka uran ne duen key iya se nahulikid ka migpangenken te indampil ne aheley.
When the rain came we panicked on collecting the corn dry up in the sun.
Mania mulè te kenè ka egbulig te egkahulikid key man-e seini ka egpamurut te paley ne neulaan.
Why don't you help us panicking to pick up grains being spilled out.
Eng. panic; busy; stressed; stirred; overcommitted; struggling under pressure; under pressure; pressure, under; work pressure; behind with work
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME,RJH
Last updated: 24/Mar/2015