Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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“OPPOSITION ;action/attitude in opposition to that of someone else”
Gramm. This word is often used in the clause with the better of the two alternatives.
Due paan seini, sika mulè ka ingkeen din.
There's a bread here, but rather that bread he eat.
Ne meyì kenè egkeulian, kenè key mulè egbayad.
And if we don't get better, we don't even have to pay [comparing traditional medicine with modern doctors].
Gramm. contrastive/opposition aspectual adjunct, showing an action or attitude which is in opposition to that of someone else.
Eng. but; on the other hand; other hand; on the contrary; in contrast; contrast, in; in comparison; comparison, in; instead; rather
DDP: Particles (9.2.6)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Last updated: 04/Feb/2017