Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Data Qual: rani doesn't know this word
(keepas, kA-) vanished
Eng. vanished; disappeared
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (egkeepas, actor & patient, egkA><ø-)
Data Qual: check if this has the intervening glottal
(neepas, meepas) to be caused to gradually disappear by something (e.g. over-hunting, the end of a season) (igkeepas, ingkeepas, ikeepas, reason, igkA><ø-)
Egkeepas ka ngeyngey ke egpanilaban ka katalunan.
Cicadas will be caused to disappear if our forests are burned.
Igkeepas te ngeyngey ka kenè ta egpalanggen ka katalunan ta.
The reason for the disappearance of cicadas is our lack of care for our forest.
Eng. vanish, caused to; disappear, caused to; lost (caused to disappear); extinction, driven to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (egpekeepas, nekeepas, actor, egpAkA-) to be able to cause another thing to disappear, or to be the thing (igpekeepas, impekeepas, reason, igpAkA-) which causes another thing to vanish
Egpekeepas te umul te me ngeyngey ka egpanilaban ka katalunan.
The life cycle of the cicada can be made to disappear by the burning of the forest.
Inkeepas te umul e ngeyngey ka nanasilaban ka katalunan.
The thing which causes the life cycle of the cicada to disappear is the burning of the forest.
Eng. disappear, cause to; vanish, cause to; destroy (cause to disappear)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(meepas, mA1-) easily consumed by fire (of wood)
Eng. easily consumed (by fire)
Cult. This is a bad quality in firewood, because it does not last or leave embers.
Syn. meerus
Pron.: me:rus
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for wind or water (eg-epas, mig-epas/in-epas, epas, actor & patient, eg><ø-) to obey powerful words or thoughts (e.g. the words of God, or an incantation) (eg-epasan, in-epasan/mig-epasan/pig-epasan, epesan, source, eg><an-) (ig-epas, in-epas, instrument, ig><ø-) by becoming calm
Eg-epas ka kalamag wey sibù te dahat ke eglalag ka Manama.
The strong wind and the waves of the sea will obey if God speaks.
Eg-epasan te makeseg ne kalamag ka lalag te Manama pinaahi te peg-engked wey peg-peeneng-eneng.
The strong wind obeys the word of God by becoming calm and stopping.
Ig-epas te makeseg ne bunlud ka geem te Manama.
The thing which the strong waves obey (by becoming calm) is the power of God.
Gramm. The words or thoughts can be expressed by either eg><an- or ig><ø- affixation
Eng. water, become calm; wind, become calm; calm the wind; calm the water
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821)
DDP: Wind (, Calm, rough (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (egpeepas, migpeepas/impeepas, peepas, actor, egpA><ø-) to be able to stop or to control something (egpeepasen, impeepas/migpeepas/pigpeepas, peepasa, patient, eg><en-pA-) by their powerful words (e.g., an incantation) (igpeepas, impeepas, ipeepas, instrument, igpA-)
Egpeepas sikandin te kalamag pinaahi te pangaddì din.
He will stop the wind through power of his words.
Egpeepasen ku ka kalamag eyew kenè kew egkalaggew.
I will control the wind so that you will not worry it.
Eng. stop something; control something
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 06/Nov/2009