Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eg-ad-ad, mig-ad-ad/in-ad-ad, agent, eg><ø-) to plant cassava (binggala) or sugar cane (tirè) (eg-ad-aran, in-ad-aran/mig-ad-aran/pig-ad-aran, location, eg><an-) somewhere (ig-ad-ad, in-ad-ad, theme, ig><ø-) by poking a stick in the ground on a slight angle. This will then shoot and grow upward from several nodes
Ka ad-ad iyan ka pegtiyuk, pegluglug, pegpes-ek te tirè diyè te tanè. Seini ka pamaahi te pegpamula te tirè wey iling degma kayi ka pamaahi te pegpamula te binggala.
Kaaselem warè pad duma ne eggimuwen ku su egpangad-ad e pad te tirè.
Tomorrow I won't do anything else because I will be planting sugar-cane.
Eng. plant cassava, sugar-cane
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (eg-ad-ad, mig-ad-ad/in-ad-ad, agent, eg><ø-) to crawl along under something low to escape detection (eg-ad-aran, in-ad-aran/mig-ad-aran/pig-ad-aran, location, eg><an-)
Duen kun apù te apù ni amè dengan naaldek te etew ne egpangimatey. Tenged te naaldek sikandin, mig-ad-ad e te tibehew ne newugmì.
They say there was a grandparent of the grandparent of father long ago that was afraid of people that were killing. Because she was afraid, she crawled along under the tibehew that had fallen over. NK 16/Feb/09: They say there was an ancestor long ago that was afraid of people that were killing. Because ...
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,AAA,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 07/Dec/2015