Def.: kalibulungan (due keen-keen)
MS: kalibulungan
an event when people meet together to have fun or to celebrate something such as a birthday. There is usually food.
Def.: grupu te me etew ne due nasabekaan ne eggimuwen
a group of people who are doing something together (e.g., traveling, searching for someone).
A large party of people walked to the next village.
His daughter was lost, so he sent out a search party.
Def.: grupu te me pulitiku
MS: grupu te me pulitiku
a political group who want to get some political power
Def.: grupu te me etew ne nekegsinabut
MS: grupu te me etew ne nekegsinabut
If there is a problem or agreement between two groups or people, each group or person is a party.
After listening to both parties, the Barangay captain decided who was in the wrong.
Pegke-impus te pegpammineg te tagsè grupu, ka Barangay kepitan miglalag ke hentew ka nakasalè.
We are trying to sell our van, and at the moment there are three interested parties.
Def.: egpakataha wey egbulig
MS: egpakataha wey egbulig
If you are a party to an action, you know about it, and help to do it.
I don't like your plan, and I will not be a party to it, so you'll need to find someone else to help you.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400
Status: ready
Last updated: 28/Sep/2012