Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkalaag; egkatarin
MS: egkalaag; egkatarin
If you lose something, you don't have it any more, maybe because of an accident, or because someone took it.
He lost all his corn in the storm.
Natarin ka ahelayan din te baggiyu.
She lost her eyesight when she got older.
He lost his job because the company closed.
I lost my cellphone when I visited Davao, but I don't know where.

Def.: nalingawan ke hendei nakatahù ka minsan nekey
If you lose something, you don't know where it is.
I've lost my key. Can you help me to find it please?
Nalingawan ku ke hendei ku ingkatahù ka yabi. Kaayun ded ubag ne egbulihan a ni kuna te egpamitew?
vt, vi.

Def.: egkareeg; egkatalu; egkapildi
MS: egkareeg; egkatalu; egkapildi
If you lose something such as a game, another person or group is more successful than you, and has better result than you.
We lost the game because the other team were much better than us.
Nareeg ki te galew su ka duma ne grupu me-mateu kanta.
See loss
Irreg.  lost, lost.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0401-0425
Status: ready

Last updated: 24/Sep/2012