Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegkakita; pegpahawa-hawa
MS: pegkakita; pegpahawa-hawa
the fact that something has no covering, so people can see it or something can touch it.

Def.: pegpanengneng te hineles
MS: pegpanengneng te hineles
the action of causing people to know about something that was secret.
People were shocked by the exposure of corruption in the company.
Natekkew ka me etew te pegpanengneng te pegpanakew te seleppì diyè te kumpanya.

Def.: pegsalerep; pegsaharal; pegparani
MS: pegsalerep; pegsaharal; pegparani
the fact that you experience something or are close to that thing.
His exposure to dangerous chemicals is causing health problems.
Ka pegsalerep din te dilikadu ne kimikals egpakabehey kandin te prublima te peglelawa.
Some people believe that exposure to rain causes sickness.
Ka duma ne etew egpalintutuu ne ka pegsilengleng te uran egpakabehey te dalu.

Def.: dalu te lawa puun te mareet ne timpu
bad effects on the body which happen if you are outside in very cold or bad weather.
The children died of exposure because they were out at the time of the typhoon.
Ka pegkamatey te me batè, puun su diyè sikandan te ligwang te timpu te bagyu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012