Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eglalag wey egpalihawang te puhawang wey ke geyinawa
If you express an idea or feeling, or express yourself, you talk about your idea or feeling.
He is very quiet, and doesn't express his feelings very much.
Amana ne kenè ne malalag-lalag sikandin, wey kenè amana egpalihawang te eggeramen din.

Def.: egpakita wey egpalihawang te eggeramen ne geyinawa
If your action, or part of your body expresses a feeling, it shows that you have that feeling.
His eyes expressed his sadness.
Ka mata rin migpakita te pegkalangè din.
adj, adv.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke eglalag ki te meiyal ne pegpeyipanew wey ke pegpeuyan te minsan nekey.
You use express to talk about fast and direct travel or sending (e.g., an express bus, express post).
That is an express bus, so it only stops at the terminals.

Def.: titing-awi wey eleg (iling te panulù wey ke igkeupii)
MS: titing-awi wey eleg
Something express is very clear and exact (e.g., express instructions).
He came here with the express purpose of speaking to her.
Miggendini sikandin ne due eleg ne katuyuan te pegpakiglalag kandin.
He gave me express orders to only give this to you.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0701-0725
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012