Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbagget
MS: egbagget
If you encourage someone to do something, you try to make them do it by saying that it's a good idea.
My teacher encouraged me to join the football team.
Ka talagpanulù ku migbagget keddì te pegpaapil te putbul ne grupu.

Def.: egliwang; egbagget
MS: egliwang; egbagget
If you encourage someone, you help them to feel more happy or confident.
My mother encouraged me when I was nervous about my exam.
Ka iney ku migbehey te me pegbagget te egkalaggew a te iksam ku.

Def.: egpakapeyitabù te lelemuwi
MS: egpakapeyitabù te lelemuwi
If something encourages another thing to happen, it causes it to happen more easily.
If you cut off dead flowers, it will encourage more flowers to grow.
Ke egmanempuhen nu ka migpamatey ne me bulak, egpakapatubù seini te masalig pad.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0876-0900

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 pegbagget; 2 pegliwang wey pegbagget; 3 pegpeyitabù te lelemuwi
MS: pegbagget; pegliwang; pegpeyitabù te lelemuwi
the action of encouraging.
Note: sense 1,2,3
Thank you for your encouragement when I was feeling sad last week.
Salamat te pegliwang nu keddì te nalanga a te miglihad ne simana.
Def.: igkabagget; igkaliwang
MS: igkabagget; igkaliwang
something that encourages you.
Note: sense 1,2
It is an encouragement to see so many people who want to help us.
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012