Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-inse-insè wey egbuyù te meupiya ne puhawang diyè te egkateu
MS: eg-inse-insè
If you consult someone who knows about a particular topic, you ask them what they think about it.
You should consult a doctor about that problem, because it is serious.
Keilangan ka ne eg-inse-insè meyitenged te prublima nu diyè te duktur, su masumpit sika.
vt, v-recip.

Def.: eg-insè te puhawang te senge etew
MS: eg-insè
If you consult someone about something, or consult with them, you ask them what they think and want.
I will need to consult my wife before I decide about that.
Keilangan ne eg-insè e pad te asawa ku ne wey ad egbehey te puhawang meyitenged te sika.

Def.: egtengteng te kanengnengan diyè te minsan nekey
MS: egtengteng te kanengnengan
If you consult something such as a book, you look at it to find information.
They didn't know where the place was, so they consulted the map.
Warè dan nakataha ke hendei ka inged, sikak migtengteng sikandan te mapa.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5

Def.: peglibulung eyew te pegbuyù te meupiya ne puhawang
a meeting with a professional in which you ask them for advice.
I have a consultation with my supervisor later today, as I have some questions.
n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: peg-insè wey pegbuyù te puhawang
the action of consulting someone.
They made the plan in consultation with their friends.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012