Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egtabulug, migtabulug, tabulug, eg><ø-) to cut the hair of a person or animal
Ka tabulug ne lalag iyan igpasabut ka peg-awè te bulbul te senge etew wey ke ayam naa. Masulug ka egpuunan ne egtabulug ka etew: an-anayan su eyew egpakaseleppì sikandin wey ke tenged naa su insuhu sikandin eyew egtabulug. Egtabulug ka me dengan ne timpu, eggamit te mahalang ne ugpit wey ke egpesè naa te butilya su ware gunting. Ka karaan ne me etew ware egtabulug su masulug te me karaan ne etew me mallayat se bulbul wey me sumpè. Su emun ke malayat ka bulbul te me etew dengan, labew en iya ka me lukes, igpasabut naa due ne datù sikandin; masulug ka egpabulihan.
Miggendiyè si Tiyù te Puruk 7 eyew egtabulug ki Ugut.
Tiyù went to Purok 7 to cut Ugut's hair.
Migtabulug si Larry te anak te in-ugpaan ney su kenè egpakaseled te iskuylaan din.
Larry cut the hair of the person where we stay because he didn't enter into the school.
Eng. cut hair; hair cut; shave head; shear
Tag. gupit
Ceb. gupit
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
Created: 11/Nov/2016
Updated by: RAA,RJH
Last updated: 28/Sep/2017