for someone (egsapsap, migsapsap, insapsap, agent, eg><ø-) to whittle or chop at a piece of something (especially wood but also could be stone) (egsapsapan, migsapsapan, insapsapan, location, eg><an-) chipping off bits (egsapsapen, patient, eg><en-) usually with a bolo (ugpit) (igsapsap, instrument, ig><ø-)
Ka sapsap iyan igpasabut ka peg-awe te duma ne baad te kayu eyew eggimuwen ne pididus. Kaayun degma ne egsapsapan eyew eggimuwen ne sungkaleg wey ke tukud naa.
Ke aheley, bahal ka egsapsapan wey behas ka egsapsapen.
With maize, the cob is what is chipped down and the grains are what is chipped off.
Iyan de dengan himu te amey ku ka sapsap te kayu eyew eggimuwen ne pididus.
The work of my father before was to whittle trees in order to produce lumber.
Egsapsapan ku ka lawa te damuluwan.
Eng. whittle; chip away at; chisel away; chop; hack; carve; trim
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Updated by: RJH,QDL,RAA,RJH
Last updated: 08/Jun/2017