Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egpalimmakut, agent, eg><ø-) seize an opportunity (egpalimmakutan, theme, eg><an-)
Ka egpalimmakut iyan ka eg-upus wey egpaney-paney eggimu te minsan nekey taheed te duen pad timpu wey egkaayun pad.
Palimmakut ka kamet te maluag te eg-aldew pad.
Clear a wide are while you have a chance since sunny season is still long.
Emun ke kenè ka egpalimmakut egpangali ne lasey nu iya te eggutasan kaaselem.
If you don't take the chance to harvest sweet potatoes then you will be starving tomorrow.
Mani naan e usì, te kenè ka egpalimmakut egpamaba te kayu taheed te warè pad ka kamuney?
Bro why don't you take the chance taking firewoods while the owner is not around.
Eng. in advance; take the chance; take advantage; seize opportunity; opportunity, to seize
Ceb. pahimulus
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F

Updated by: TME,RJH
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009