Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eggendiyè te kewun-aan [kewun-a͡an]
MS: eggendiyè te kewun-aan
If someone or something advances, they move forward.
The men advanced slowly towards the fire.
Ka me etew migpahanad-ganad miggendiyè te due hapuy.

Def.: peggendiyè te kewun-aan [kewun-a͡an]
MS: peggendiyè te kewun-aan
an action of moving forward.
The men used water to stop the advance of the fire.
Ka me etew miggamit te weyig eyew te peg-ebuk te pegbulus te hapuy.
We've built earth banks to stop the advance of the floodwaters.

Def.: egkeyimu ne amana kad egkateu ne eggimu te minsan nekey
If you advance in what you are doing, you become better at doing that thing.
He practices the guitar every day, so he is advancing fast.
Layun egbebasbas sikandin te gitar tagsè aldew, sika ka meiyal nateu sikandin.

Def.: egkameupiya wey ke egmakeseg
MS: egkameupiya; egmakeseg
If something advances, it becomes better or stronger.
Technology has advanced a lot in the last 20 years.

Def.: pegmeupiya wey ke pegmakeseg
MS: pegmeupiya wey ke pegmakeseg
an action of becoming better or stronger (make an advance).
There have been many advances in technology in the last 20 years.

Def.: egpameupiyeen
MS: egpameupiyeen
If you advance a project or idea, you help it and make it more successful.
He has worked hard to advance our organization.
Miglasey-lasey migtrabahu sikandin te pegpameupiya te grupu ney.

Def.: egpewun-a te seleppì
MS: egpewun-a te seleppì
If you advance a person some money, you give the money to them earlier than the due date.
My boss advanced me 1000 pesos.
Ka ahalen ku migpewun-a keddì te seleppì ne sabekan libu.

Def.: pewun-a ne seleppì
MS: pewun-a ne seleppì
an amount of money that is given earlier than the due date.
My boss gave me an advance of 1000 pesos.
Nakarawat a te pewun-a ne sabekan libu puun te ahalen ku.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0726-0750

in advance
Def.: egpewun-a-hun-a
MS: egpewun-a-hun-a
If you do something in advance, you do it early, before another thing.
I was ready for the visitors, because they told me in advance that they were coming.
Andam ad para te me mahaliyug, su migpewun-a-hun-a sikandan migkahi keddì.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Apr/2013