Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egkalut, migkalut/ingkalut, agent, eg><ø-) to dig something (e.g. cassava (binggala), or just dirt (tanè) (egkalutan, ingkalutan/migkalutan/pigkalutan, location, eg><an-) using something (e.g. shovel, digging bar (bara, or the hands) (igkalut, ingkalut, instrument, ig><ø-)
Eng. dig, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
for the ground (egkalutan, nakalutan, location, eg><an-) to be holed
Eng. holed, to be
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egkakalut, nakakalut, agent, egkA><ø-) to dig in the ground (egkakalutan, nakalutan, location, egkA><an-)
Egkakalut sikandin te eghimuwen din ne belun
He is digging for making a well
Ka seini ne lalag iyan sika se egkekeli te tanè eyew te peglulungag eyew te minsan nekey ne eggimuwen wey egpabulusan te peglulungag.
Ka seini ne lalag iyan ka inged ne due weyig wey ke sebseb ne piglungahan su eyew eggimuwen ne belun wey ke subung naa. Egkaayunan degma ka tanè ne eglungahan piru belad ka eggamiten wey warè kali wey ke puruk naa. Su iyan kaluwasan te seini ne lalag ka peglulungag pinaahi te belad, diyè naa te lasak-lasak wey ke diyè te tanè.
Data Qual: check the hands digging thing with tans.
Pigkalutan ney wey pigsubung ka beuhan su eyew dakel ka weyig ne egkatimud.
We dug (a hole) and blocked up the creek so that a lot of water would accumulate.
Eng. dig to
Data Qual: Naomi to add more ie, and to finish off the reduplicated sense below XXX
OCM: Water Supply (312)
DDP: Underground (, River (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Last updated: 14/Nov/2011